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Halloween Lookbook 2024

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ShopGoodwillFor ThrillingHalloweena

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Halloween is one of the best times of theyear, when creativity and craftiness thriveand everyone gets to have fun dressing upin costume or decorating their home. We’reall about a more affordable, sustainablespooky season, which is why we encourageeveryone to #ThriftYourThrills. Get inspiredby our costume ideas and shopping tips—either for Halloween or everyday style!

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A regular cowboy hat might notcut it for this costume. Get outyour hot glue gun, some feathersor sequins, and glam it up!Bey said cowgirls are in, and who are we to arguewith that? Mix items from your closet withstatement pieces like a fringed leather jacket,tall boots, and a sparkly vintage rodeo shirt. Andof course, don’t forget the hat!CowgirlRenaissanceCOSTUME IDEA:

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This costume idea is perfect for acouples look. Shop the men’sracks for western-style shirts withpearl buttons and classic denim.Pardner upAccessories are keySay HowdyShop inexpensive, easy to thriftitems to kick up your costume. Abandana is essential, but also lookfor a western-style belt (or beltbuckle). And necklace chains canbe wrapped around your boots forextra glamour.If your Bey-inspired costume is onpoint, show us! We love to see howstylish and creative our shoppersare. Tag us at @sfbaygoodwill onInstagram and TikTok to share yourlooks. You might even get featured!#GOODWILLSFBAYSHOPPING TIPS

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The mob wife aesthetic was trending earlier thisyear and Halloween is the perfect time to bring itback—and ramp up the glitz. Go all out on glamourwith fur, sequins, and gold accessories. Are youready to channel your inner Carmela Soprano?The mob wife look is all aboutluxury—with a little bit of tackiness.Load up on the prints and textures!Mob WifeCOSTUME IDEA:

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Look like a rich mob wife in anoutfit you got for a steal byshopping at our boutiques. Wehave two locations, Menlo Parkand West Portal in San Francisco,where you’ll find hundreds ofdesigner items at steep discounts.Our online stores are where you’llfind Louboutin, Chanel, Versace,Gucci, and more. We work withauthenticators to guaranteequality, so your costume will havethe real deal.Whether you’re going faux orgenuine, shop sustainably andget your furs secondhand. Checkout the selection at The Shop,our curated vintage collection atthe Fillmore store.#GOODWILLSFBAYSHOPPING TIPSGet the luxury labels for lessScore designer goods onlineBe eco-conscious

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Transform into a magical mermaid with a fewsimple clothing items and accessories. Combinea bedazzled bikini, shimmering scale-like flares,and shell jewelry with glittery makeup andbeachy waves for a glam under-the-sea look, orgo for Ursula vibes with an all-black ensemble.MermaidThis vintage hula skirt is made fromreal grass! You can DIY a similarlook by cutting a long, full skirt intostrips.COSTUME IDEA:

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If you know you’re never going to wearthose sequined pants again, donatethem back to Goodwill. Keep them outof landfill, support our mission ofproviding jobs to those in need, andmake a future festival-goer happy—win, win win!Get creative with shellsShell necklaces don’t only haveto be worn around your neck.Wear them as belts, hairpieces,and bracelets to bring the aquaticvibes to your full look.Group ‘fitGive backGet your besties together, headto your local Goodwill, and thrifta full mermaid girl gang look. Mixand match your looks, color-coordinate or get inspired bydifferent sea creatures.#GOODWILLSFBAYSHOPPING TIPS

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Costume party or a fun nightout? Be extra sustainableand thrift pieces that dodouble duty in your closet!If your love for the city by the Bay knows nolimit, show it off with a San Francisco-themedcostume! Show off your locals-only style withitems like a 49ers jersey or vintage Balboa Highsweater, paired with trendy pieces for a totallywearable look. Another way to show you’re a Bayinsider: dress as Karl the Fog in all grey (down tothe Birkenstocks!)San Fran StanCOSTUME IDEA:

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Hometown heroes#GOODWILLSFBAYSHOPPING TIPSGet your gear at The ShopLocal labelsThe Shop at San Mateo has all thetrendiest sportswear and gameday merch to complete your49ers, Giants, or Warriors fan look.Did you know that the Bay Areahas a long fashion history? There’sLevi’s of course, but also BenDavis, HUF, Taylor Stitch, Rothy’s,Nooworks, and more! Look out forthese brands at your localGoodwill SF Bay.The real way to show love foryour city is by helping the peoplewho live in it. When you shop ata Goodwill SF Bay store, you’regiving back to your community bysupporting our mission to providejob opportunities and careerservices to those in need.

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TheAboutScary TruthHalloween:

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$4.1 billionwas spent on costumesin 2023Source: National Retail Federation83%of pre-packagedcostumes are designedfor single-useSource: MarketplaceThat’s a lot of money spent on items thatend up in landfill! This Halloween, keep itless frightful for the planet by shoppingsecondhand and donating any items youno longer need.Goodwill SF Bay is here to help you dogood while looking scary-good!

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sfgoodwill.orgPeople. Planet.Possibilities.Follow us at@sfbaygoodwill